J&K Creations
J&K Creations evolved from Foamtastic Creations. In 2014 Jamie first attended FanCon in Thunder Bay to showcase the props that he had been building at home in Atikokan. A former guest of ThunderCon in 2016, 2018 and 2019 he brought a new creation every year and demonstrated how he created everything from BB8 and Wall-E to the Stargate and Iron Throne from Game of Thrones. Upon moving to Thunder Bay in 2018 Jamie and Krista established J&K Creations which now includes not only the props (since then V.I.N.Cent, Deep Space 9 and now a Dalek have been created), but also spray paint art and prints, Book Nooks and pyrography including boxes and wall hangings. J&K Creations have also been guests of JoyCon in Dryden in 2018 and FanQuest in Winnipeg in 2019. Jamie’s props have also been showcased in Star Wars Insider Magazine and on National tv as well as a feature on Shaw Spotlight.
Join Jamie and Krista Young along with their Fantastical Creations for an artistic tour through your favourite fandoms! From foam props to wood-burning, from spray painting to book nooks, their artwork is as inspiring as it is fun! Stay tuned for more info on demos, workshops and panels that this creative pair will be running at ThunderCon!
Join Jamie and Krista Young along with their Fantastical Creations for an artistic tour through your favourite fandoms! From foam props to wood-burning, from spray painting to book nooks, their artwork is as inspiring as it is fun! Stay tuned for more info on demos, workshops and panels that this creative pair will be running at ThunderCon!